Promayor Real Estate, S. L. society holder of web site “” only get and preserves the following information about the visitors to our site: a. the domain name of provider (ISP) and/or IP address that gives them access to the network. For example, a user of provider XXX will only be identified with domain and/or IP address. In this way can we develop statistics on countries and servers to visit more frequently our site.
b. The date and time of access to our site. This allows us to ascertain the hours of more inflow, and to make the necessary adjustments to avoid problems of saturation in our rush hours.
c. The Internet address from which departed the link which leads to our site. Thanks to this data cannot know the effectiveness of different banners and links that point to our server, in order to boost the offering better results.
d. The number of visitors per day in each section. This allows us to ascertain the areas most successful and increase and enhance its content, in order that the users to obtain a more satisfactory result.
The information obtained is totally anonymous, and in no case may be associated with a particular user and identified.
Our site uses cookies, small data files that are generated in the user’s computer and that allow us to achieve the following information:
a. The date and time of the last time the user visited our site.
b. The design of content that the user chose in his first visit to our site.
c. Security elements involved in the control of access to restricted areas.
The user has the option of preventing the generation of cookies, through the selection of the corresponding option in your browser. However, the company cannot be held responsible for the deactivation of the same prevents the smooth functioning of the page.
Promayor Real Estate, S. L. society of Spanish nationality with registered office in Jardín de los Jilgueros 5, 28412 Cerceda (Madrid, Spain), is the holder of web site “”. In agreement with current legislation in the area of data protection, as well as in services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user accepts that personal data provided at the time of its registration, or any other provided to Promayor Real Estate, S. L for their access to some of the services of web site, are incorporated into files ownership of this company, with the aim of facilitating the provision of services requested, for the realization of statistical studies of the registered users in “” that allow design improvements in the services rendered, for the management of basic tasks of administration, as well as to keep him informed, either by email either by any means, of developments, products and services related to Promayor Real Estate, S. L. or to third collaborating companies. In the case of commercial communications via email or equivalent means, the user gives its consent for the sending of advertising through this medium.
Promayor Real Estate, S. L. undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of the personal data and its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, for this purpose, the actions of a technical nature, organisational and security necessary to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, according to what established by the Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December, on Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable legislation.
The user will respond, in any case, the veracity of the data provided, reserving Promayor Real Estate, S. L the right to exclude from the registered services to any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions that take in Law.
Any registered user can, at any time, exercise the right to access, rectify and, in his case, cancel their personal data supplied by written request addressed to Promayor Real Estate, S. L, Jardín de los Jilgueros 5, 28412 Cerceda (Madrid, Spain)
© Promayor Real Estate, S.L. Política de privacidad